Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America's Hottest Colleges

1) Yale University

Really? This Ivy League school isn't just for brainy people. Those brainy people happen to be beautiful as well.

Founded all the way back in 1701, Yale just keeps getting better. The New Haven, CT school is the third oldest institution for higher learning in the USA. Although more widely known for its academic prowess, apparently these smart young men and women are also hot. Good for them! It's nice to see an Ivy League school being ranked for something other than how smart they are. It's way too cliche!

2) University of Southern California

Come on! It surely didn't take a study to find out USC is full of "pretty people?"

Located in good 'ol Los Angeles, it's undergrad enrollment is over 17,000. Surprisingly, it has a large graduate enrollment of over 20,000. It's taken home many awards, including being named in the Top 10 Dream Colleges in the nation. USC is widely known for it's football program, but overall the university has won 115 total team national championships! Their men's sports programs have earned 93 of those championships. That number is more than any other school!

3) Boston College

Founded all the way back in 1863, many coeds here, say academics played a part in their decision to attend. Right along with their hot future classmates.

Never mind that BC boasts of some of the earliest examples of collegiate architecture in the country. Never mind the fact it's in the heart of one of the USA's most popular cities. Who cares about all of that when the people around you are beautiful? BC has enjoyed growth recently, along with a $1.83 billion endowment. Maybe they're buying their pretty people?!? Or, maybe the East Coast is just blessed with beauty!

4) Santa Clara University

When you wake up to palm trees outside of your window, you almost owe it to the university to look your best. Hence, the hot rating of Santa Clara University.

Located in Silicon Valley in Santa Clara, CA, this is actually the oldest college in Cali. Offering 45 majors, there is plenty to study while basking in the sun. Two alumni serving as proof of the schools "hot" factor? "Criminal Minds" actor Shemar Moore and NBA baller Steve Nash. Of course, Janet Napolitano is also an alum...they probably didn't have "hot ratings," during her stint.

5) Stanford University
It's always bikini season at Stanford! Located in Palo Alto, CA, how could it not be?

Of course, the university is also known for its athletic programs and strong academic courses. Since 1952 more than 54 Stanford faculty, staff and alumni have won the actual Nobel prize. That includes 19 current faculty members. Famous alumni include Mike Mussina, John Elway, Chelsea Clinton, Tiger Woods, John Steinbeck and many more. One little known fact? Their mascot, the Cardinal, in this case is a tree, not a bird!

6) Colgate University

Don't let its size fool you. Even though it has under 3,000 undergrads, apparently their all hot!

This New York school doesn't just boast of beautiful students, apparently they all dress well too. It's a wonder they can afford to dress at all. Colgate is one of the country's most expensive schools in the country. Total cost for one year comes in around $50,000! That's either a lot of money up front, or one expensive student loan! Beauty and money...that's a powerful combination!

7) Howard University

Hello Howard hotties! Apparently the men and women at this institution all look good!

Although historically considered a black university, it's welcome to all races. The students say they are equally good looking as they are friendly. Hmmm. "Friendly" sounds like what the non-good looking students say about themselves. Regardless, its location in Washington D.C. also is grounds to Howard University Hospital. Notable alum include Debbie Allen and Congressman Elijah Cummings.

8) Pacific Union College

This private college offers far more than great views. Or, should we say, it offers many, many great views!

Located in Napa Valley, CA, it was also recently voted America's Most Beautiful College by Newsweek. While the Newsweek award probably offers more credibility than the one offered by College Prowler, we still like the "hot award" better. Students are said to be not just beautiful, but smart and outgoing as well. Of course, who wouldn't be outgoing going to college in "wine country?" That's our kind of college! Where can we sign up?

9) Vanderbilt University

This private college is located in Nashville, TN. Country music likely is blaring through the stereos of these hotties.

The university is named after "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt who provided the college with it's initial $1 million endowment. This came as somewhat of a surprise since the Commodore had never set foot in the south. We guess if you want a school named after you however, you do what you have to do! It's said students dress to impress. So if you plan on going there, wisely invest in some labels. Their credibility goes up when you consider they've had two vice presidents, 25 Rhodes Scholars, 7 Nobel Prize laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, and Academy Award winners.

10) Georgetown University

Nestled into the nation's capital, we can't be surprised by this college's rating. It's also located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country.

Perhaps more widely known for their men's basketball program, it's nice to know other contributions include pretty people. Notable alumni include Bill Clinton and Antonin Scalia. When these students aren't talking politics or which senator they ran into over the weekend, the preppy coeds are likely shopping the local J.Crew. The campus' architecture truly is beautiful and it's students are also on the brainy side. It's also not as big as most people guess. Undergrad enrollment is only around 7,000.


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