Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Majors That Wont Make You Money

1) Why Your Major Matters

A humanities major sounds like a lot of fun. But if you'll have college loans to pay off, you may want to think again. These majors are at the bottom of the future-income barrel. That's if you can get full time work. Some of these majors have unemployment rates higher than 10%. Sound discouraging? Wait until you read the rest of the list.

2)Early-Childhood Education

Teaching kids for a living sounds great. But you'll have to live on your love of the job. These teachers earn, on average, just $36,000 a year. The good news is that employment prospects aren't bad. Unemployment rates for Early-Childhood Education majors are just around 4%.

To pay off your student loans, you'll need to get right in the job market. And the right job market makes a big difference. There is a big gap between earners on the low end of the scale and those on the high end.

3) Architecture

An architecture major wasn't always a bad bet. Unfortunately, the collapse of the housing market took a lot out of it's sails. Now this once promising major has an unemployment rate of 14%.

That means architecture majors are unlikely to jump right into their field. That's bad news for anyone in a hurry to pay off loans. Establishing a career may depend on economic factors that are simply out of their control.

But there's good news. Once hired, experienced architects earn $64,000 on average. Try not to worry about how you're going to get experience when so few people are hiring.


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