Thursday, August 15, 2013

Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

1. Depth of field

A similar trick is at play in this remarkable photo, where the classical-style statue seems ready to squeeze this woman's head as she walks by oblivious.
2. The Gun Show
This girl's large hairy bicep is kind of weird, almost as weird as her decision to wear a denim vest .
3. Delicate as a flower
The dainty woman in this photo is rendered in an even more fairytale quality by this composition, which makes it seem as though she is wearing a tulip for a skirt.

4. Who's Carrying Who?

That girl with the big waist and chunky, hairy legs is doing an excellent job carrying her boyfriend, it's probably because his legs are so short and narrow .
5. Hourse leg illusion

So happy I could just float away... On this bride's wedding day it seems like she can't keep her feet on the ground.
6. Mutant Commuter

Here is a dog casually riding the train to work; her arms look so soft and smooth! Oh wait . . .

7. Magic carpet ride

In this optical illusion the mat the talker is standing appears to be levitating in mid-air thanks to a perfectly placed shadow supplied, presumably, by a flag flying behind the photographer.

8. Orally fixated

In the left photo a road winding up a hill in the background appears as thick smoke from his cigarette. On the right, a carefully placed subject looks like he's feeling the effects of too many psychedelics.

9. Baby's Got Back

That baby has some long legs and some serious junk in the trunk . . . wait, what?
10. Fountain from cold drink can

Don't you hate it when that happens? The jet of liquid apparently emerging from this woman's can of soft drink suggests that she's given it a shake before pulling the ring-pull, but it is really water from the fountain ahead.


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